Best way to learn Kotlin and how to be a better developer.

2 min readJul 21, 2020

So as most of you know am app developer both in kotlin and flutter but my kotlin skills have been a bit rusty for a while.So i wanted to search for an app which help me remember kotlin. Walah! i got it

When learning any programming language sometimes it can be challenging to remember some codes so don’t be discouraged or feel bad this is the best way to learn.

One of the best way to be focused when learning kotlin is by giving yourself challenges.

For example you can challenge your self to create the facebook app ui or instagram in kotlin.

now before we continue the link to the above app :

As i was saying at first creating the ui won’t be easy because kotlin is very strict not like any other languages like flutter that’s why its preferred when creating service apps like file managers etc.

Whats the advantage then of doing all this?

Firstly you will improve your debugging skills.Its important to know you will have always have people to help you, so you must learn to help yourself rather than going for better developers who wont really help much.

Secondly this will help you to understand the language deeper and better hence it will help to create better a better foundation as a mobile developers.

Lastly this will help know the importance of websites like Github, Stack Overflow, Medium etc.

Young developers don’t really see any importance of this websites but the more you give yourself challenges you will see the importance.

“I was writing when listening piano so i was emotional so i felt i wanted to help a lone developer ”




Developing apps and more stuff is a passion.I develop when listening music because programming is like writing a hit song.Will you write yours?