Fastest way to learn Kotlin and Java in android development

2 min readApr 30, 2020

When starting learning kotlin or any language the best practises is learning through short sorce codes from beginner to professional.

What to i mean? One of the basic mistakes young programmers is starting learning huge codes for example when newbie approach in programmers they tend to want create huge apps for example a social media which out of there league.

This basic mistake can make a newbie lack confidence and also discourages him/her.So lets get the kotlin and java stuff.

If you have just learning kotlin or java for android development its good to understand two types of major files in the project folder.

The first file is “.XML” this is also known us extended markup language which is used in various languages like html.The file is mostly or only used to create layouts not events.In short you cannot launch an event in an xml file.

The second file “.java”.Java has been there for a long time and i think most programmers the first language there learned was java.Java can be used to create small apps to huge systems but here we will just learn about java in android development its commonly used to create events like moving from one screen to another that’s all java but java can be used to create layouts but i wont recommend.

Now i like to consider that kotlin is just java but more short and easy to learn rather than java.Kotlin files end like this “.kt”.I have only explained java because kotlin is only used in android development.

In development you use both java and kotlin but i recommend use kotlin for the above reasons.

Thank you for your time.




Developing apps and more stuff is a passion.I develop when listening music because programming is like writing a hit song.Will you write yours?