1 min readDec 22, 2019


I have teaching myself how to code in flutter for 2 weeks now.At first coding in flutter was hard it seemed like a language from another planet.Flutter was completelt knew but before flutter i knew how code in C#, kotlin,java and sql.

This actually made it easier to understand flutter.I landed in some few materials from udemy one from Angela Yu where i only looked in to one video of the BMI calculator and another from Another guy where understood how listview works in flutter and this is how began.

Lets get back to the real deal.

Lets look at the ui first.

The Ui is completely custom, some ideas i got them from dribble like the dot bottom navigation and because there s no such library i had to create it on my own which at fist headache but now it works perfectly well.

The widgets i used was list view and grid view which were actually simpler to create.

I will explain how to create the bottom navigation in the next chapter.

Creating the Gridviews

Part 1 :

link to the source code :




Written by Jakes

Developing apps and more stuff is a passion.I develop when listening music because programming is like writing a hit song.Will you write yours?

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